Spirit Warrior Academy

It's Time To Take Back The Ground We Have Lost To The Enemy

Founding Offer Price (*30 seats)

Community Membership, Group Coaching+

We will help you build out a battle strategy blueprint, unique to your family and equip you in spiritual warfare strategies that will help you shift & pivot so that you can walk out of the world system, and into the Kingdom system. 

This will be done in monthly group coaching sessions.  

 These sessions will be recorded and are made accessible to you inside the community and via the private app.

So, if you miss a session, you can catch up via replays. The live sessions include interactive QnA's. These are important to partake in because you can get personal attention here.

We will cover topics on spiritual warfare parenting, homeschooling & building a home business and the benefits of these to your family.

It's all about coming OUT from among the world system. And stepping into the Kingdom of God. 

 You do not have to stand alone. As the enemy pours in like a flood, the Lord is raising His standard against him. 

We will also  have guest pop-up sessions with leaders who have hearts to pour into you and your families.  

You can RSVP to join the LIVES which will give you access to our guest leaders in the QnA session, or you can just catch a replay. 

There are hot topic Circle groups where you can meet with others to discuss particular topics and serve one another. 

There are Challenges that will win you prizes from gift cards, to coaching access, to our guest speakers offers and more. Make sure to visit often as we will also give access to limited paid courses/coaching for free! 

Whether you are seeking biblical parenting, business building or homeschooling there is a place here for you. 


Check Out Our Podcast


Hello Kingdom Family,
At a young age, I learned what it meant to be a Spirit Warrior. I knew the darkness before I knew the Light, but because of the evil, I believed that God was true!

I was homeschooled with my seven other siblings and graduated from homeschooling through the Christian Home Educators of Ohio. (CHEO)

The Lord called me to serve those who are His and be a spiritual Aaron in standing in the gap and holding up the tired arms of spiritual mothers and fathers.

I am called to support those who are exhausted but determined to stand fast on this battlefield.

Join with me and let's storm the gates of hell and bring the Kingdom of Heaven to earth. THIS is how we fight our battles.

"The greatest gift Heather gave to me was the revelation of my position as a daughter of God, and that ALL of The Kingdom's riches and resources are available to me whenever I need them. THIS realization makes it possible to DREAM BIG. That is a game changer!!
Thank you Heather!!" ❤
Amber S.

"Thank you so much for helping our family build out our own battle plan strategy. this has been life changing in the spirit and in the flesh for each one of us.




Founding Members Only


30 Seat Limited Offer

Monthly Spiritual Warfare Community Coaching, we touch on spiritual warfare parenting, homeschooling and home business building.

  • *For founding members, 4 1:1 calls (To be schedule throughout year on any of the three topics
  • Interactive Challenges
  • Customize your families Battle Strategy Blueprint
  • Once a month Prayer, spiritual warfare mindset trainings, business hotseats group coaching
  • *Community app access to coach & community
  • Regular community coaching fee is $97 monthly/after first year and does not include 4 1:1 coaching calls.
  • Founding member fee of $497 locks you in at this 12 month rate 
  • 30 seat limited founding member offer ($997once these seats are filled)

Leap Takers Coaching+

$197 monthly

Wanna Launch A home business?

  • One 1:1 Call per mo. (*90m) (*$197 is my usual fee for a one hour 1:1 call)
  • Incl. access to our ($97 monthly) group coaching sessions a month
  • MP *app accountability coach support weekly*
  • Access to all replays
  • As long as you're committed you'll get results!
  • Private app access for community coaching 
Find out more
Ready to level up your home business?

Virtual & Live Training Content is not Refundable.

If you are paying monthly access, you are free to stop access at anytime. But this may change your access and future payments and fees.